paulberthelon - motion graphics, photo & films

CDF – Graphic On Air


CDF On Air


Motion Graphics




The Challenge of the CDF was to turn the televised championships into a party, for this we gathered all the identity of the clubs, through the color and the forms that generate devotion in the fanatic. All these colors together are “Our football party”: a concept of joy and rhythm, which floods even all screen messages.

We graphically simplify all the pieces and add visual hierarchy through responsivity.


It is where the most relevant information is found during the match. Teams, goals, yellow and red cards, championship, additional minutes and sponsor. All responsive and responding to the type of information that will be displayed.


Each shield, First and Second Division were animated independently. Animated shields can be seen in all graphics before, during and after the game.

Shield Colors

Each shield, First and Second Division were animated independently. Animated shields can be seen in all graphics before, during and after the game.